The Golden Key

It all began the morning that Donatello Allegretto, while walking his dog, Rocky, found a key alongside the country road where they walked each morning. The key had an odd golden hue in the early morning light. It seemed to be emitting a light of its own. He held Rocky’s leash tightly with one hand as he bent in the grassy area along the road’s edge to retrieve the key with his other hand. As he did so, Rocky began to howl and pull very hard on his leash. It was something unusual for Rocky to do, and Donatello was surprised and annoyed.

“Cut it out, Rocky. What’s your problem?”

If asked, he couldn’t explain why he stopped and picked up the key. Nor could he explain why he placed the key onto a gold chain when he arrived home. Even while musing about how odd it was that this key captured his attention, he put the chain, with the key on it, around his neck. After he had done so, he stared into the mirror and was, once again, taken by its sheen.

As he walked outside into his front yard, he was astounded.  It was as if everywhere he looked was illuminated by a bright light. Inexplicably, every impression he beheld glowed and seemed to present itself in its entirety. He was dazzled by how completely he perceived the minutest detail of all he saw. The world around him was no longer shrouded in mystery. He saw and he understood even the most insignificant visual impression with a new understanding of its value to him. ‘How’ he wondered, ‘could I have missed seeing so much prior to finding my key?’ 

The Golden Key to Freedom

As he stood, gazing at a large oak tree behind his home, he saw himself. At first, it was a detailed reflection of his physical form, but then it went deeper. He could see his thoughts, emotions, and finally his soul. He stood in wonder, and for the first time in his young life, he felt free, free of judgement, free of negativity and free of imagination.

Sam Smith is a creative writing instructor in Northern California, and has been a student of the Fourth Way for four decades.