Quotations on Higher Forces

higher forces, quotations, C influence, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday.org

The quotations on higher forces shown below are from Fourth Way authors and other eminent writers.

You have often heard me speak of an oracle or sign which comes to me, and is the divinity which Meletus ridicules in the indictment. This sign I have had ever since I was a child. The sign is a voice which comes to me and always forbids me to do something which I am going to do, but never commands me to do anything, and this is what stands in the way of my being a politician. – Socrates, Plato’s Apology

I have a fairy by my side / which says I must not sleep.  – Lewis Carroll

People are like string puppets whose wires rest in separate hands. It is not until one hand guides them all that they are join a commonality that forces them either to bow or to punch each other. And a human being’s strengths are precisely there where his wires come to an end in a hand that holds and governs them. – Rumi

If a man really searches, he may meet another man who knows the way. One who is directly or through other people connected with a center existing outside the law of accident. The influence of this man upon him goes through his magnetic center. And then at this point the man frees himself from the law of accident. This is what must be understood: the influence of a man who knows the way up on the first man is a special kind of Influence. – P.D. Ouspensky  

C Influence is transmutation, the power to transmute, and anything less than that is not C influence.   – Ouspensky

To touch influence C one must transform suffering…People don’t control their own destiny. It is in the hands of influence C. There is much for us to understand, and each of us must understand the aims of C influence personally. The school is a factory to produce individual souls. – Robert Burton 

By going out of yourself and everything, casting aside every restraint in pure and absolute ecstasy, you will raise yourself to the ray of Divine Darkness that is beyond being. – Denis the Areopagite

 A soul that has no knowledge of the things that are is tossed among the passions. It carries the body as a burden, and is ruled by it instead of ruling it.  On the other hand, he who has got knowledge is good and reverent; he is already divine. – Hermes Trismegistus

When a man leaves the cave, and achieves true contemplation, i.e., the vision of God, he must return to the cave and aid his fellow men. – Alex Horn

Those who can participate in the nurturing transformations of Heaven can form a triad with heaven and earth. – Confucius