Accepting Oneself – Strengthening the Aim

reflecting the light, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday

Yes, my life is full of different attitudes and contrary thoughts. But whose life is not?

As much as I wish to connect many of my life characteristics to a higher world and a spiritual lifestyle – they are not connected. 

Is this bad? Do I value the wrong things?

No, I have realized that diversity is part of my human existence. It cannot change, and will not. You might ask, why not? Is awakening and being present not so beautiful that everything fades away?

To embrace all these contradictions is part of awakening. Seeing them is the first step to unity. 

Yes, ‘moments of Light,’ ‘presence,’ or whatever word one might use, is not related to our human existence. This exists apart from our human functions.

We know that the moment is always beautiful. Yet we still worry about petty human identifications, like money, relationships, or fame.

But there are simple remedies to lessen the distractions and useless thoughts life provides. Because we can only have one thought at a given moment, we can choose to let go of negative thoughts. We can replace them with gratitude. For example, we can replace thoughts of jealousy and envy with good wishes for the other person. We can realize that everybody is carrying their own burden.

reflecting the light, Fellowship of Friends, Fourthwaytoday

Reflecting the Light is not a passive or automatic process. It appears within the attitudes and choices we make. Almost always, when we are in the presence of a ‘real’ human being or in places where art in the form of music, painting, or poetry is present, we can tap into the realm of our supportive thoughts and behavior.

What we focus on expands. To create good habits that bring us forward on our path, we need time, effort, and daily practices to support our aim.

It is pretty simple and the only way to attain achievements of excellence.

Then and only then can we come into sudden light, a moment of presence, an understanding, a taste of higher states. These fall upon us as the much-needed manna to soothe our longing.

Accepting opposites and not despairing while we see endless unproductive thoughts allows us to receive the wonder of Light that flows freely in this world. Reflecting the Light. This gift enables us to see and reflect the Light in our thoughts and actions.

Klaus Labuttis has been a practitioner of the Fourth Way for four decades.  For another article by Klaus, see: