The Processes of Healing and Regeneration

processes of healing and regeneration, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, Napa vineyard

Suffering can be real.  [However,] when certain intense negative emotions come you can do only one thing: you must try to remember yourself. But for this you have to be prepared; it is quite a special thing. – P. D. Ouspensky, A Further Record

Among  the descriptions of the six processes in the works of Rodney Collin,  he pairs healing and regeneration, in that both result in Life.

Healing versus Regeneration

In the  triad of healing, matter acts upon form to create life. In the triad of regeneration or transformation, form is the active force. Moreover, in the typical sequence of processes, they occur in different places. Healing follows corruption, and regeneration follows destruction, culminating the sequence of six. These are general and somewhat arbitrary descriptors, and do not reflect every situation in every particular. There are cases, though, in which the difference between healing and regeneration are important, though subtle. As I understand and experience the difference, healing is an organic process and takes place in essence, world 24. Transformation–regeneration–is a process that occurs in the astral body, worlds 12 and 6. 

Is Healing Required for Transformation?

As an organic process, healing takes time, whereas transformation is immediate with relation to essence. Both the healing and regeneration processes follow negative ones, and it can be tempting to apply transformation after a shock affecting one’s essence. Shocks can include experiencing the death of a friend or family member, or extreme violence to one’s own physical body, or sense of well-being.   Essence, however, must take time to heal, to restore itself, before the astral body can transform the shock. Trying to transform or regenerate too quickly from a violent shock may lead to a temporary and superficial restoration. Sometimes healing is necessary.

Can both healing and regeneration occur simultaneously? Probably, when lower centers are balanced and essence unified and when the astral body is already in place. In this case a violent shock meets a strong, experienced  essence which permits a more immediate transformation of lower energies into higher energy for the astral body. For the remainder of instances, healing is a necessary octave,  itself involving a sequence of stages. One sees this in the recovery of a physical wound–from blood to scab and to the restoration of a healthy epidermal layer. Or, psychologically, in the recovery from grief–from denial to acceptance and hope. 

Medice cura te ipsum ~ physician heal thyself is a humbling, but useful, reminder.