Quotations on Higher Mind

higher mind, gods, FourthWayToday, three lines of work, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

While Fourth Way authors rarely speak of the gods, Ouspensky and others wrote on the role of higher mind–‘C influence’–upon human life.

Angels announced this mystery of eternal life, from the beginning of the human race, through certain signs and sacraments suitable to the times, to those capable of hearing it.  

St. Augustine

A sincere and unified group can attract help on quite a different scale from a lone individual.    

Rodney Collin

But if there be—O if there be

A truth in what they say

That angel-forms we cannot see 

Go with us on our way; 

Then surely they are with me here. 

Lewis Carroll

It is by no means to every man that the Gods give a clear sight of themselves.  


Don’t worry, Gods are watching over you in secret.  

Journey to the West, Taoist text

He refrains from anger best who remembers the Gods are ever watching.


All men have need of the Gods.


“The Fourth Way” on Higher Mind in the Lord’s Prayer:

The Lord’s Prayer is divided into three [parts]:

1. Our Father which art in heaven hallowed be Thy name
2. Thy kingdom come
3. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
…[S]o ‘heaven’ must mean higher levels, that is, … certain mind or minds on those higher levels to which, in some way, the Lord’s Prayer advises us to appeal; ‘heaven’ cannot refer to anything on the level of the Earth.

Thus ‘Hallowed be Thy name’ is the expression of a desire for the development of the right attitude towards God, and for a better understanding of the idea of God or Higher Mind, and this desire for development obviously refers to the whole of humanity.

The second petition, ‘Thy kingdom come’, is the expression of a desire for the growth of esotericism.

The third petition, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven’, is the expression of a desire for the transition of the Earth to a higher level, under the direct will of Higher Mind.’

P. D. Ouspensky, “The Fourth Way”