Uncreated Light – the World of the Miraculous
It is remarkable how even a simple flower contributes to the miracle of reflecting the Light. Turning its head, slowly, from the sunlight to your own radiance, it whispers that you, too, are a potential conductor of Uncreated Light. Light that exists without human or natural help, light from above.

From the beginning of our life we sense that we are created in the image and likeness of this Light. Our intimates ask us if we are functioning with our full mind when we do something inappropriate. In doubtful situations, they advise us to keep our eyes open. But they never tell us what these eyes are and how we use them. They assure us that a little bird or angel knows our thoughts, desires, and actions, even if obvious or invisible. And so questions are born that remain unexpressed for years. This continues until the active force of our petrified personality is crushed by the everlasting lava flow of our essence.
The Triad of Awakening
The two forces struggle: personality and essence. A third force, known as presence of consciousness, gives then a new form to our “being”. Our soul wakes up in the intellectual part of the lower emotional center. It remembers that it can bring the Light from the beginning of the world and decides how to mediate between our lower and higher centers.
The soul (and the steward) aim to transform the heavy matter of our being into lighter energy, more intelligent energy. We learn to coordinate our lower centers in favor of three ascending processes: digestion, or transformation, healing, and regeneration. We remember to tame the three descending processes, growth, destruction, and crime, which can co-exist with the first three processes.
Further, we impose internal harmony using sequences of individual words as reminders of the eternal divine commands and universal laws. “Be.” “Look.” “Hear.” Evaluating each word, we connect our lower worlds to higher ones. With their precious energy we bridge the inevitable intervals of our life octaves and continue upwards, when our illuminated being starts to flow back to old states.
Pathways to Evolution
Self-remembering comes when we learn how to save energy and how to refine it. A school shows us how to work for our higher self, working with others having the same aim, and for higher forces. Through these pathways of evolution, we begin to recognize, verify, and evaluate all our eyes, all the parts of our being.
Objective knowledge exists, diffused within us, in contact with our own higher centers. Such knowledge shakes us to leave behind the world of “I”, “me” and “mine”. Our conscious connection with the world of the miraculous serves man’s divine duty to reflect the Truth. The truth: the One, Holy, Universal and Apostolic Objective Consciousness of the Uncreated Light.
Higher Worlds, Higher States
It is true that the struggle for survival offers every human being experiences from worlds 12 and 6. These worlds, of our higher emotional and intellectual energy center, are inherent in our being. They come from the genesis of the world.
I have understood and accepted that the harmony of objective knowledge first begins as a mysterious clash of immaterial substances that are ever in motion. From this friction, lightning is produced which connects the universe in a new way. The sound of the clash arrives to us as a hum. New conditions prevail on earth and in the human being. Even laws, inspired by the lower energy centers of man, are modified from time to time.
We slowly walk a long path of self-awareness until we realize our whole self and redeem it fully. A kind of self-restraint or forced cessation of our habits enables Light to permeate our being. The energy current of our own higher centers electrifies us. In a moment, we can receive a flash of objective knowledge as divine guidance that reflects Uncreated Light and universal laws.
The realization that our being, refined and reborn, actually dissolves can create a cosmic harmony of irresistible spiritual peace and non-attachment. The world of the miraculous arrives, and neutralizes some of the lower laws we are under. In this state, we invisibly unite with all conscious aspirants, in favor of a practical universal school of objective knowledge and psychic evolution.
Natassa Cavalli is an artist living in Greece. For other articles by Natassa, see: