The value of stillness,, Fellowship of Friends

Quotations on Stillness

The following quotations on stillness resonate for those seeking to quiet the mind and heart on the quest for higher states of consciousness. “Stillness means the shedding of all thoughts, even those which are divine; otherwise, through giving them our attention because they are good, we will lose what is better.” Gregory of Sinai, Philokalia […]

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Awakening, quotations on Awakening,, Fellowship of Friends

Quotations on Awakening

The third state of consciousness~ self-remembering, or self-consciousness, consciousness of one’s own being-constitutes the natural right of man as he is, and if a man does not possess it is only because of the wrong conditions of his life. In the fourth state of consciousness, objective consciousness, a man can see things as they are.

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The steward, perspectives on awakening

Perspectives on Awakening

Identification with our thoughts, emotions, pains and sufferings diminishes as the scope broadens. Acceptance and humility overtake any resentment and self-absorption. The manifestations of the lower self can actually serve as fuel to this state. Transforming these into presence can propel a higher state into even greater heights. 

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Towards Consciousness, awakening

Towards Consciousness

We lack attention. Are we asleep or aware of our state? And to what degree? The ability to balance the functions of our five lower energy centers leads to a higher scale of harmony for our body, soul, and spirit.

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tip of the iceberg, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, Dante, Divine Comedy

The Tip of the Iceberg

What we see, be it Whitman’s ‘Leaves of Grass’, or Dante’s ‘Divine Comedy’, is but the tip of the iceberg. In these two masterpieces of world literature we see but a reflection of what an individual, such as these two authors, may invisibly attain.

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Receiving and reflecting the light, Fellowship of Friends

Receiving and Reflecting the Light

We embody what is higher by being present. We can learn to hear if our hearts are in the temple or in the  bazaar. When we identify for  ourselves the flavor of those virtues–courage, prudence, humility and moderation–which Plato associates with the Ideal State, our work with others will be stronger: more direct and more compassionate as required.

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