The answer is not words, but a state. – Robert E. Burton
The Internal Dimension
I am sitting in my office, watching the palm trees bend meekly, a few meters beyond my window, before the force of the wind. I can recognize the activity in my machine, the pleasure seducing my senses at this vision. And I also recognize my other gaze, in the opposite direction. It is scrutinizing deeply and intensely the inner movement that arises upon what my eyes are seeing. I discover a direct line that connects this external and internal aspect. I find myself in the middle, witnessing this event in loving silence.
Wu Hsin said that clarity does not provide answers, but rather dissolves questions. We can verify that clarity comes from this double vision: an imprint of reality, without the intermediary of our opinions, judgments and concepts. When we make the movement to divide attention, the certainty of a state emerges—an ideal state of clarity.

Ruler of the Ideal State: the Steward
During our daily state, which we usually call wakefulness, a kind of restlessness inhabits us. I have the feeling that I have forgotten something, but I cannot know exactly what it is. I don’t know if I forgot it a long time ago or recently, if it is the car keys, an important event, or a very dear person. A deep, muffled emotion grows ever more intense, until, at one point, I feel compelled to stop and look. And it is only when I look at this emotion, this deep nostalgia, that I finally remember what I forgot: myself.
This can happen countless times during the day. Each time it suddenly plucks me from the tentacles of imagination and dreaming when the steward, the ruler of my inner world, appears. It is precisely at this moment when his gaze falls on the many I’s. In a simple act, the energy–previously dispersed–quiets down like a tamed beast that recognizes the presence of a superior force, a master. Leaving the trace of a growl that finally disappears, it surrenders in the silence of my presence.

The Genesis of Perfect Harmony: the Nine of Hearts
Plato said that love is to feel that the sacred being beats within the loved one. When we are present, this bond remains in time and space, in the eternity of now, although everything else changes or disappears. The steward is constantly animated by this sacred fire. The steward’s mission—to be the God of all my inner world—is possible only through the vision of this love.
I recognize the profound influence of this union–this perfect harmony–in moments when I return from the distant journey of my imagination. Robert E. Burton said that the only way to express our love is in silence. When I return, and find myself again inwardly silent, I verify my essence is conscious of itself, shining in the fire of love, and governed by the designs of the steward. Everything is in perfect harmony.

Perfect Harmony – the Higher Dimension
There is a two-way bridge that connects us to higher worlds. It can only be traversed through attention, in an ideal state of clarity. Our nine of hearts has the magical ability to lead us through this passage in a descending line to the steward. It is the steward who in turn makes contact with our entire internal world and the I’s that inhabit it.
In the opposite direction, that is, in an ascending line, the steward can lead us to higher centers. These highest parts of ourselves are the natural architects of the ideal state, the portal to ordinarily unknowable and inaccessible dimensions. This is why Jeanne de Salzmann once said, “Where our attention is, there is God.”
Utterly wonderful and lovable it is when God, the Love of the lover, is grasped even in the senses, when the Bridegroom embraces the Bride and they become one in the Spirit, as she is transformed into the same image in which as in a mirror she sees the glory of the Lord. – Guerric of Igny
Elisa Eidner is a practicing psychologist and has been a student of the Fourth Way for many years. For another of her articles, see: