Uncreated and Transcendent Light – a Story of Harmony

Transcendent Light

What is the experience of divine light?

As the sunlight can have an amazing effect on a group of fish jumping over the surface of the sea, so Uncreated Light affects us when we transcend ourselves. Meaning that our steward is still working to balance our four lower centers and recedes only under the astonishing energy of our higher centers.

During our work to awaken, we create Light which attracts Uncreated Light. In such moments, our whole being is charged by divine information we cannot transform immediately into action. This refined energy becomes influence B for children and adults, when we manage to express it in various ways.

A Story of Harmony 

“Harmony is an astral girl. She was still living under the influence of the Sun, the Earth and the whole Divine Starlight, when magnificent information touched her from high. One sunny day she sensed unprecedented fullness and freedom. Her will was in the process of union to the Divine Will. In another lucky hour, she realized that the essence of forgiveness comes from Eternal Light. At a third sunny moment, she sensed with awe that her being was a catalyst for any experience, and she humbly dared to say “Hold on!” to thoughts of cowardice and fear. And on the fourth day of healing, Harmony cried out: “There is no death! There is immortality!”

At once she breathed again her angels’ divine decrees. She had passed through the tail and head of a cosmic dragon–a trap of light, so awful!  Then the heavens flashed, thundered again, and the sacred Knowledge of immortality crystallized Harmony’s original aim. Her intention had always been healing and redemption from myriad evils and vices. A flash came again to shake her essence, and her memory blurred with the light of remembrance. The flash united past, present, and future, and Harmony breathed again like a newborn child the glow of Uncreated Light.

Just then, she saw other intimate beings, lost for long in the Universal Depths. Their light was flowing high while they marched toward the Supreme Harmony’s Light.“

This, then, is the end of the story. It is the end of the old and the beginning of the new according to the process of regeneration.

Light is a catalyst for new life

It is true that the higher the emotional and spiritual energy we assimilate, the more our essence is nurtured. And the more it is able to act catalytically on the world of matter. Our being transforms itself and, acting on the material of life’s programming, reorganizes it. A new system of life is born, like the being of a school through which the laws of the universe are revealed anew.

Natassa Cavalli is an artist living in Greece. For other articles by Natassa, see: 

https://fourthwaytoday.org/views-from-the-real-world/ https://fourthwaytoday.org/level-of-being/ and https://fourthwaytoday.org/ideal-state/

For an article on the Orthodox Christian motif of uncreated light, see:
