Yin, Yang and the Law of Three

The Fourth Way teaches that the Law of Three is one of two cosmic laws. It states that every phenomenon, whether physical or psychological, is the result of three forces coming together in a moment. These forces are active, passive and neutral–or affirming, denying and harmonizing. Let’s take the example of learning to play a […]

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Law of seven, William Page, BePresentFirst.com, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday.org

The Law of Seven

If we understood the law of octaves, we could see more clearly how the universe unfolds, or how a tree grows, or how learning requires special efforts at certain, very specific, points.

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Food Diagram, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday.org, Sergio Antonio

The Food Diagram

Reading the Food Diagram pages in Ouspensky’s In Search of the Miraculous can be difficult. However, theoretical work lights the way for practical work. Practical work, in turn, helps to further decipher the theory. If the two don’t proceed together, work stops. It’s also possible to learn something well enough to perform it, even if you don’t […]

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Ascending and descending processes, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday.org, Natassa Cavalli

Ascending and Descending Processes

A man who struggles to balance the energy of his lower centers begins to awaken his soul. His soul functions as the energetic or active force. His spirit plays the role of the passive force and welcomes the energy of the soul. His body is the formative nature, transmuting the physical and chemical elements of man’s whole organism. Such a man is usually the product of a conscious school.

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higher impression, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends,

A Higher Impression

The tension between the fire of my desire to remain present at this moment and the chill of the inevitable fall, produces a silent containment in my entire being. I can see my true dimension as well as my nothingness, my lack of proper energy and my surrender to that. At the same time, there is a sacred direction in this octave. The process of defeat creates a shock and at the same time evokes a transformation.

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Created and Uncreated Light, Michelangelo, FourthWayToday.org, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends

Created and Uncreated Light

Work in the Fourth Way requires efforts–but sometimes higher states come of themselves. We can term our efforts ‘Created Light,’ and those of presence coming on its own—‘Uncreated Light.’

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The eternal instant, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, uncreated light, grace from above, FourthWayToday

The Eternal Instant

We live each day of our lives embraced by a longing, a very deep longing. It is a formless void that we dare not stare at, but that is there. It burns within us as a constant reminder of a higher and more sublime reality.

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The Grace of Uncreated Light, FourthWayToday, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

The Grace of Uncreated Light

Being satisfied with the present moment means being unconcerned with whether or not higher forces will allow one the grace of experiencing one’s higher self. At this point, one accepts whatever the moment brings. After consistent efforts over a long period of time, one may experience Uncreated Light at unexpected moments. Yet this is the result of previous efforts.

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