The way of love

Quotations on the Way of Love

The way of love is slower, but more certain than the way of denial. Robert Burton When we have attained love, we have reached God, and our journey is over.  Philokalia Where there is love, there is Oneness and, in complete Oneness, the Infinite is realized completely at all times and in every sphere of […]

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Who am 'I'?, Fellowship of Friends, Radhika Shah

Who Am ‘I’?

Great changes and shifts occur in me that I cannot describe, but they are very real. Ways open. A fragrance from the divine comes through. No one sees this, but it is the most profound event in my life.’ – Bahauddin 

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significance of regeneration, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

The Significance of the Process of Regeneration

Sacred Among the Six Processes This article describes how the six processes act, in terms of their foundational combinations of forces. The significance of the process of regeneration is noted, as it alone is able to create new life, new being. A marvelous fluidity and dimension unfold over the course of one’s experience of organic […]

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Walther Sell, Robert Burton, yin and yang

Darkness and Light–Yin and Yang

The author describes how the ancient I Ching, the book of changes, uses the symbols of darkness and light, yin and yang, to describe awakening. Symbols of Enlightenment The sun, responsible for the light in our solar system is, simply put, a huge ball of fire. Fire creates light in the world, while the absence of fire results […]

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What is the Difference between Being Asleep and Awake?

Imagine you know nothing about third or fourth states of consciousness. Only about the first and second states.  Someone asks you: “What is the difference between being asleep and being awake?”   How would you answer them? What’s Different about Being Awake? Truthfully, the main difference between being asleep in first state and being awake in second […]

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Sleep and awakening, Robert Burton, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends

Recognizing Our Sleep

Part of self-observation is coming to recognize sleep, first of all in ourselves. Sleep means living in our imagination and our day dreams – a subjective world. However, when we remember ourselves for a moment, we temporarily step out of sleep. “Man is a machine, everything with him happens: he cannot stop the flow of […]

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Third state of consciousness, Robert Burton, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, Girard Haven

The Color of Nothing

How can we describe a higher state of existence? The author describes how the third state of consciousness serves as a bridge to higher awareness. Expressing the Inexpressible Picture in your mind the most beautiful sunrise you have ever seen. Now imagine trying to explain that experience to someone who not only has been blind since birth […]

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Demons and Elephant, Fourth Way Today, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Burton

Multiplicity and Unity: Personality and Essence

What are the differences between personality and essence in terms of unity? The Fourth Way advises us that the study of man (or woman) must go hand-in-hand with study of the world. That man is a microcosmos[1], with traits identical to those of a higher cosmos. Therefore, man can be compared to the higher cosmos […]

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