Lighting the very light, uncreated light, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday

Lighting the Very Light

What does the medieval Christian concept of uncreated light show us about reaching higher states? Efforts are the “work” of the Fourth Way, but “uncreated light” comes when it will.

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wishing you an ideal state, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

Wishing You the Ideal State

Plato’s ideal state was never meant to include everyone, only those who support it. In Athens there were many who wanted Socrates put to death. Internally, the many I’s will never really support self-remembering. Only a small inner circle of work I’s will promote the presence of higher centers.

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freedom of the real, Leonardo, Portrait of a Girl, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday

The Freedom of the Real

When we talk about freedom, we’re speaking about the work an individual does to become free of unnecessary laws. Man as a Microcosmos of the Universe In order to understand this, it is first necessary to see man as a microcosmos. Man is a microcosmos because, like the universe, he has within him layers of […]

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Greek masks of tragedy and comedy, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday, separating the unreal and the real

Separating the Unreal and the Real

In the Fourth Way, separation of oneself from oneself is a key step to inner development. If we are at the mercy of our own thoughts, impulses, and emotions, we cannot step onto the path of awakening for very long. Seeing the real and unreal in ourselves requires discrimination born of this separation.  Gurdjieff, 1923: As long as […]

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Greek fresco, changing sense of self, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday

Quotations on the Changing Sense of Self

Towards a More Real ‘I’ – the Changing Sense of Self through Work in the Fourth Way What is this changing sense of self that can come in the work, and how does it relate to a real ‘I’? Gurdjieff: Liberation is the aim of all schools, all religions, at all times. This liberation can indeed be […]

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the way of love, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday

The Unreal & the Real: The Way of Love

Every effort to be present comes from essence and is an act of love. The conscious effort to be present The efforts we make to maintain the state of presence are sustained by a deep love.  This love, like an uncomfortable and permanently-lit flame, maintains the necessary desire to self-remember, to be present.  During the state of […]

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Lost to the World

I quite enjoy one of Mahler’s songs, set to a poem by Friedrich Rückert, “Ich bin von die Welt abhanden gekommen,” or “I am lost to the world.” The piece begins with a beautiful and haunting English horn solo against a background of woodwind and harp, followed by strings.  Lost to the world – an […]

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