“The most wonderful fairy tales grow out of that which is reality.” – Hans Christian Andersen
What is reality?
From a certain point of view, reality is said to have degrees of perception, as experienced by the human machine. We can start from the aspect of a human machine with a magnetic center.
This state is about attraction, attraction to a higher force that you do not understand, attracting you to somewhere unknown. The reality of a magnetic center is attraction, a strong force that opens ways to search for new degrees of perception. This new perception of reality can grow relatively different from before.
The reality of a magnetic center is: “There is something I do not know attracting me to it”.
This path of the magnetic center can open a human being to taking the first steps to another kind of reality. The reality of a student of the Fourth Way.
Working in a school
Becoming a student means a lot of things that one can only recognize within oneself.
A student in a school, working in a school, reaches new states to help them structure their inner work. This work is open to being able to:
- – “Look” more than before.
- – “Hear” more than before.
- – “Feel” more than before.
- – “Taste” more than before.
- – “Smell” more than before.
Continuing in this work, step by step, creates conditions that are open to higher states. A higher cosmos, higher states, appear. Such work becomes quickened in regards to the speed, balance, and functioning of the human machine. States of consciousness increase in speed, a reflection of the speed of higher centers.
Reality, starting from self-remembering, going forward to higher states, grows more and more to embrace elements related to the inner work using one’s senses.
In this work, human senses are used by something higher, beyond the normal human machine, according to the state of one’s work in the present moment. As these states grow, with reality around them, the more a student experiences higher states.
In such a state, higher centers feed themselves.

Water Flowers
One illustrative image can be the enneagram, with its unceasing circulating energy.
Unceasing qualities
Reality, for a student, is something that never stops being experienced. It is spectacular how many new perceptions arrive on this path, nourishing the states and perceptions themselves.
Reality, for a student, is something that never grows at the same speed, but it does always grow.
Two aphorisms to end these words about reality are:
“Higher states look to embrace inner states, from up to down, all outside but perceived through our senses.“
“The soul monitors the brain and uses it as an instrument” Meher Baba
Francesco Folchi has been a student of the Fourth Way for four decades, and resides in Italy.