The following quotes on the six processes by Fourth Way authors P. D. Ouspensky and Rodney Collin describe the processes in terms of the combinations of forces that produce them.

Quotes on the Six Processes by Rodney Collin
The Process of Growth
The process of growth is that which, on a universal scale, creates the whole sequence of worlds, producing from unity and potentiality diversification, form and expression. The creative agents here act in the order life, matter, form. An active impulse plunges into a passive material to create the original process of growth.
The process of growth is indeed a vast cosmic river, flowing eternally from the Creator. Relying on its current alone, there is only one direction in which man can go – that is, downwards. For to remount the stream needs a different understanding, a different energy and a different effort.
The Process of Digestion, or Refinement
In the second process, digestion, passive matter is acted on by a vital force and is raised or transformed to a higher level. All processes of purification, refinement and distillation are of this nature.

The Process of Elimination, or Destruction
Simultaneously with the process of digestion of foods , a process of destruction is occurring in the body : life, form, matter. It is the process by this the life force breaks form down into inert matter.
The typical matters of physiological destruction are excretions, exuded through the pores and orifices of the body.
The Process of Crime, or Disease
The process of corruption or disease arises when form breaking loose from its proper function, overcomes life and reduces the whole to inertia and dead matter. The order of agents in this fourth process is form, life, matter.

Thus, while the process of destruction results in the separation of the inert from the living, and the consequent preservation of the latter, the process of corruption results in the reduction of the living itself to inertia and to death.
The Process of Healing
The process of corruption is followed by healing, in which sick matter, rediscovering the original form of nature, again becomes a channel for life, and is restored to health. Its order: matter, form, life. There are in the body healing agents of all kinds. But in some cases, the work can be helped with drugs and medicine of a similar nature.

Cretan figurines, Minoan era
The Process of Regeneration
The final process is characterized on the cosmic level as form organizing matter in imitation of the life principle. The creature emulating the creator. The process called regeneration is organized in the order: form , matter, life.
–Rodney Collin, from The Theory of Celestial Influence
Quotes on the Six Processes from P. D. Ouspensky
You remember I said that the chemical factory works by itself. It produces all kinds of very precious materials, but it spends them all for its own existence. It has nothing in reserve and nothing with which to develop itself. So if man wants to change and become different, if he wants to awaken his hidden possibilities, he cannot rely only on the mechanical means in himself; he must look for conscious means.
— P. D. OUSPENSKY, from A Further Record
There are six activities possible for man—seventh only possible for Absolute. In all other worlds only six are possible:
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These are combinations of forces. Three forces have six possible combinations. Absolute is difficult to speak of in our language. So there are six activities, only we cannot connect them with forces. Well, first category—trying to remember yourself.
— P. D. OUSPENSKY, from A Further Record
For more quotes on the six processes, see our articles in this issue.