On Being

William Blake, On Being

What is work on being?

After starting the journey towards consciousness, one keeps evolving. Different people have different paces, but if one keeps working, there is change in being. 

Being is the capacity to manifest as a human. It’s not a simple term. It cannot be seen directly in many cases. It does not have anything to do with age. Of course, one’s being can increase as one is older because of more work and experience. We cannot judge someone’s being. Being reflects in one’s actions and behavior. In many cases, someone’s being cannot be seen until they’re in a critical situation. The way a person reacts to friction or suffering reflects his or her being. One can look for third forces to improve level of being, rather than focusing on denying force. The focus should be to improve one’s being and awakening. 

“The lamps are different, but the light is the same.” ⁃ Rumi

Change of being comes with working on our features, mechanics, and lower centers. It cannot be sudden. It comes with consistent work on oneself and experience. Simply put, one’s aim to change being should be to experience more presence. When one makes efforts to be present, level of being automatically improves. 

As much as one works on oneself, if there is no help from higher forces, C influence, one doesn’t change. C influence bend us, but do not break us. Their aim is not to give one suffering, but to help one evolve. And for that one must accept higher influences on their terms. One needs to use every moment, every friction, every suffering to be more awake and to evolve. Every moment is an opportunity to be closer to awakening. Eventually, the more one starts working on being, in little moments, the faster one can work with bigger frictions. 

There is no need to identify with our own being. Everyone is not the same and one has to accept our lower centers. No matter what one does, one has to trust oneself and higher forces, higher energies. In the end, one’s wish and efforts are simply to be more awake.

“The soul will be neither words, nor knowledge, nor something that exists in something else, but subsisting of itself, and by itself, in an eternal oneness.” ⁃ Plato

Dhruvi Chavda practices the Fourth Way in India. For other articles of hers, see: https://fourthwaytoday.org/author/dhruvi-chavda/.

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