One thought shared lately with me is that the deeper we move into presence, the more impressions we experience. I mean mainly the small impressions that people leave in our hearts. It may be their smile or some stress we perceive or their vibration that day or a curl of hair. It might be any little thing that rides into our heart on this carpet of love that we have been laying down for so long that we forget how much traffic in tiny moments it carries into our soul.
In these moments, we are strangely detached from our normal worlds of self-centeredness and imagination.

It is not that I feel that I am present so much as I perceive that my eyes are open and gathering a harvest of small, exquisite impressions. I believe this experience of love is happening to all of us. I trust we are all enjoying side glances at the beauty of all the people we work with. That is the real treasure we win from all of our crazy efforts to serve and live our lives well.
And of course, all of these little jewels of rich observation change our self-portraits and move “us” more and more out of the picture until at times we are pure expressions of a higher will.
Love radiates from a practical understanding of serving higher forces. Love serves a higher right and lives unselfishly.
You could even say that love is the expression of an unearthly state, the state of perceiving the celestial light that surrounds us, that is usually dulled and obscured by imagination.
People in love glow with their love for each other.
Love is an act of light coming from higher worlds.
Stopping here so my nose does not grow any longer!
So lovely to share this process with all of you.
William Galvin has been a student of the Fourth Way for four decades and lives in Northern California. For more of William’s articles, see: