Higher Forces as ‘Dianoia’ 

 In the dictionary of the ancient Greek language, we find the word διάνοια– ‘dianoia,’ meaning conscious mind through our being. In the Fourth Way system for awakening, Influence C is defined by all conscious minds of non-cellular conscious beings. Their ‘διάνοια’ mediates through all and for everything to wake humans’ conscience.

The word ‘διάνοια’ links to words like: «σκέψη-skepsi» thought– «πρόθεση-prothesi» intention– «σκοπός-skopos» purpose– «αντίληψη-antilipsi»perception– «γνώμη-gnomi» opinion– «ευφυϊα-ephyia» intelligence. 

The way that a man understands and activates these meanings determines his awakening.

It is true that the impressions we receive, as eternal beginners, challenge us to develop them more consciously. And the more our conscience awakens, the more harmoniously we regulate our lower functions.

The education of our conscience is work of higher forces, of divine ‘Influence C.’ These influences appear more visibly in the traces of ‘Influence B’ (such as in the form of written words or art works) left by sages and conscious teachers. They occur also in practical conscious schools.

My first impression of the divine nature of Influence C happened at the age of twelve.

On a spring school trip, I walked up a steep side of Mount Parnitha. Once at the top, I violated the instructions on how to descend again. My body pulsated uncontrollably like a spring. Instantly, my egoism cracked, and my conscience, free, shouted “My God!” As a result, I crawled to the base of the slope, as if on a magic carpet, unscathed. 

Man can promote his connection to the divine using a sequence of six steps. Just as an apple blossom possesses the divine mechanism of its own evolution, so can a man activate–by the divine grace of Influence C– his conscious development. He can eliminate the superfluous to transform his potential, pass unscathed through corruption, heal himself, grow, and be reborn. This will enable him to begin radiating his intelligence into higher consciousness.

Thus the practical education and labor of man to awaken his conscience makes him descend the mountain wisely. He can then transmit his ‘διάνοια,’ activating the six distinct words with the six work ‘I’ s of the school ‘sequence’. He has free will to choose his path through the six evolutionary processes. Thus, man himself determines the destiny of his “being” and, therefore, his fate.

For more articles by this author, a graphic artist and long-time student of the Fourth Way, see: https://fourthwaytoday.org/author/natassa-cavalli/. For a further definition of the article’s keyword, see: https://www.biblestudytools.com/lexicons/greek/nas/dianoia.html.