How do we use impressions?
All esoteric paths towards our holistic well-being, and the Fourth Way, too, assess impressions as a primary factor in human development.
On our way toward awakening and self-unity, we focus our attention on the qualities that our cellular, molecular and spiritual “being” emits. To advance these qualities into conscience and cosmic harmony, we have to discover and transform impressions from both our past and present.
Checking carefully the role that impressions play in our life, we internally strengthen three upward processes: growth, transformation, and healing. We avoid the negative, energy-consuming identifications that hinder the emotional and intellectual balance between our knowledge and being.
Detachment and Conscious Love
Detachment from identification advances our being to the last degree before we reach the triumphant state of our true Self. It is the threshold to the spiritual world, unwavering, in harmony, without attachments. Detachment is a divine gift of Love.
Thus one of the most precious impressions of my life is a dreamlike moment of detachment. It is still acting in my essence. I see myself sitting side by side with my conscious teacher. His consciousness is asking mine: “What do you want to happen?”
But this is a question that no human being on earth ever asks me. I am being tested like never before. My response comes in serenity. I see my right hand making a gentle, silent, dragging movement. It goes from left to right, from my past toward his presence. Pause.
The Thunderstroke
At the same moment, experiencing divine scale and relativity, I accept the lightning like a sword. Like a thunderstorm, it cuts the energy of some sensitive strings of my being that are still swinging and sharing energy here and there. The fire cauterizes and heals all these strings that return, each one, to its correct place. My energy leaks stop. Vigor returns and my whole being is free to emit again fresh, positive energy. The light of the fire is shining in red, green, blue, and golden colors and my essence ignites again. It spreads molecules of its presence in the primordial stardust of divine consciousness. The story of Genesis is shining as one continuous sequence. It links the Absolute’s love and uncreated light to God’s spirit, to creation, death, and rebirth…
This indelible impression between decay and incorruption reveals our potential. The explosion of our essence toward consciousness is a state of our higher self in unity with our lower self. It comes after many transformations of our essence to portend tastes of real joy, affection, and freedom. Staying in a wider spectrum of consciousness, we overflow with positive emotions like gratefulness, and eternal love can BE.
Natassa Cavalli is an artist living in Athens, Greece. For more articles by this author, a long-time student of the Fourth Way, see: