Working within the Fourth Way towards an ideal state, my soul grows up. It rests on a steward that aspires to balance the functions of the four lower centers. A true steward works from the intellectual part of the emotional center. This part is now my acquired center of gravity, from where my work on self-remembering springs. This practice of self-remembering steadily boosts a state of faith that a change of my being is unavoidable.
In my highest states, my will seems to join the divine will. At these moments, faith, love and gratitude flood my soul. Such perceptions lie outside of time, continuing to create a state of bliss.
Acceptance and transformation of emotional pain also serve to develop my soul. Following a long process of healing, one learns to neutralize every negative situation and to forgive. The sense of forgiveness slowly creates a state of harmony within me.
The ideal state may be instantaneous, an impression of serenity or objective knowledge in our soul. But it is forever enlightening in connection with our aim, our place in life, and our evolution.
An Experience of Ideal Compassion
Going along the street one day, in the second state of consciousness, I sensed a dwarf coming toward me suddenly, carrying an awful jealousy. I hugged him tightly. My lightning-fast reaction was really an action of my Self. In that moment, humility and serenity spread within me from a higher level. This unprecedented sense of compassion was a taste of the ideal state.
Indeed, the conscious moments we experience change our internal chemistry. We transform ourself into a catalyst. The relationship to ourself, to others, and to higher influences changes over time. It grows into a wider awareness–of all and everything. Conscious love activates our new being.
Using the Moments of our Lives for Transformation
In my present life, I care for twin grandchildren, a boy and a girl. This too is an opportunity for broader transformation of my being. The pure, colorful essence of babies contrasts or corresponds to my own energy. I receive their higher hydrogens as an antidote to my lower energy. Their energy cauterizes all the “viruses” that might otherwise spread inside me. Yet the viruses are an analogy for the ten thousand I’s within me.
The babies function according to laws of the universe, but without self-remembering. And I am here, attempting self-remembering, to try to digest what can be known of these universal laws.
Healing, Regeneration, and Working with Harmony
Regeneration can follow the process of healing, given the right conditions. The care of the babies touches my nascent higher centers, the infant functions that can be born within. Eventually, through efforts to work with harmony, and as part of the soul of a Fourth Way school, I am grateful for everything I receive.

A school functions as a three-dimensional soul, like the citizens did in Plato’s ideal state. Each part of the soul works in service to higher laws to establish harmony within oneself. The products of conscious schools adorn life. And we grow to see our life transformed into plays of the highest art.
Natassa Cavalli writes from her home in Athens, Greece. For another article by Natassa, see: