Every moment has its divine imprint, but we have to be there for this to happen. –David Tuttle
The Walk to Angel Falls
I walked many times the narrow and wet path that leads to Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in the world. You walk for several hours through lush green thickets that obstruct any view. The ground is slippery, and it is very, very humid. There are bushes with large glossy leaves and vivid colors that completely capture your attention. It is easy to lose the path. At every step on this path through the jungle vegetation, you are repeatedly seduced by these impressions.
Despite these very intense sensory stimuli, you feel that something is missing and incomplete in the landscape. Finally, in an instant, as if out of nowhere, appears the waterfall. You behold the majestic stone square with its silvery streams of water that falls for over a kilometer, all producing a third state. This comes, like a memory of the divine imprint, full of joy and hydrogens from world 12.

Our Everyday Waking State
Every day I walk a similar misty wet trail. Elements, shapes, and colors in abundance dull me. All is perceived as a great shapeless mass, known as the world. At the same time, this ‘waking’ state is colored with a deep nostalgia. I feel a longing for something, without knowing exactly what. My inner landscape is incomplete, just like the walk through the jungle.
From time to time, bright and fleeting flashes entirely capture my attention. Sometimes I am taken by a force that dazzles me, stimulates me and fully opens my eyes, exciting my emotional center. But this occurs only for me to be immediately thrown back into the gray limbo of the ordinary waking state. And as I walk this damp and hazy path, this endless cycle happens over and over again, seemingly drawn from Sisyphus’ worst frustrations.

The Witness
Nevertheless, something in me sees through this. This inner witness understands that everything that happens in that gray state is sterile, lifeless, and will produce no result. This part of me that knows, knows because it observes. I am seen by an eye that dwells in me—the eye of my steward. It produces a sort of vibration that shakes the shapeless mass, sweeps away the smoke of imagination. Only then do I abruptly see.
From Zero to One
Such a sudden change contains no elements of the ordinary world, or the previous state. It has an entirely new quality. It is a passage from one dimension to another, from zero to one, adding an imprint of reality where, before, nothing existed. Suddenly, as in front of Angel Falls, my state is in a state of expansion. I am aware not only of this newly complete landscape, but also of myself, as part of that landscape.
A Glimpse of the Divine Imprint
When we reach Angel Falls, the landscape is never seen in the same way again. The mountains, the dense vegetation, the clouds in the sky, and even our own presence in that place, become simply the harmonious framework of a higher element. Thus, when I am present to myself and my life and can finally see, fascination and identification cease to exist, and a deep comprehension of a higher world arises.
My first effort is to wake up in order to see. – Jeanne DeSalzmann

Elisa Eidner is a practicing transpersonal therapist and has been a student of the Fourth Way for many years. For another of her articles, see: https://fourthwaytoday.org/perfect-harmony-the-ideal-state/.
Wszyscy umrzemy. Celem nie jest zyc wiecznie, celem jest stworzyc cos, co bedzie zylo. – Chuck Palahniuk
We will all die. The goal is not to live forever, the goal is to create something that will live. (English translation)