What do you love?
A man or woman who can bring their instinctive and moving functions, emotions, and thoughts into a harmonious balance can begin to love objectively. This unconditional love begins with a man number four.
Read More…The Fourth Way and Esoteric Traditions
A man or woman who can bring their instinctive and moving functions, emotions, and thoughts into a harmonious balance can begin to love objectively. This unconditional love begins with a man number four.
Read More…The work for us therefore lies mostly in minimising that which is not love. For example, negative emotions, inner considering, judgement, and unconscious speech and movement separate and isolate us from the higher state that is love.
Read More…“Only with the heart can one touch the sky.” Rumi. That piece of flesh that pumps blood from the first moment of our gestation, that we call “heart,” is not the spiritual heart we read about in mystical and religious traditions. Rather, when we refer to the heart, in terms of spiritual work on ourselves, […]
Read More…Each moment we choose to be present to what is in front of us expresses our gratitude to higher forces. Every time we do not express a negative emotion, each time we consider another person more than ourselves, we share their love.
Read More…The focus of attention of the higher emotional center is self-consciousness. At the same time, the capacity to know another exists at this level.
Read More…One thought shared lately with me is that the deeper we move into presence, the more impressions we experience. I mean mainly the small impressions that people leave in our hearts.
Read More…As George Gurdjieff pointed out, the first step in our journey of self-improvement and love is observing ourselves without the urge to change what we see.
Read More…The way of love is slower, but more certain than the way of denial. Robert Burton When we have attained love, we have reached God, and our journey is over. Philokalia Where there is love, there is Oneness and, in complete Oneness, the Infinite is realized completely at all times and in every sphere of […]
Read More…My eight-year-old granddaughter wrote in the first report of this school year, on “My School”: “I go with my dad and my little twin brothers… We wake up very early in the morning. I have joy… Sometimes we run on the road to catch up. Our road goes downhill, then flattens out. Then it goes […]
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