Created and Uncreated Light
Work in the Fourth Way requires efforts–but sometimes higher states come of themselves. We can term our efforts ‘Created Light,’ and those of presence coming on its own—‘Uncreated Light.’
Read More…The Fourth Way and Esoteric Traditions
Work in the Fourth Way requires a steward to quiet the many I’s and make space for higher states–“uncreated light”–to appear.
Work in the Fourth Way requires efforts–but sometimes higher states come of themselves. We can term our efforts ‘Created Light,’ and those of presence coming on its own—‘Uncreated Light.’
Read More…If we are looking for life-changing experiences, for connecting with the hidden higher centers, we must remember that everything begins with bringing our native awareness to the present moment.
Read More…We live each day of our lives embraced by a longing, a very deep longing. It is a formless void that we dare not stare at, but that is there. It burns within us as a constant reminder of a higher and more sublime reality.
Read More…Being satisfied with the present moment means being unconcerned with whether or not higher forces will allow one the grace of experiencing one’s higher self. At this point, one accepts whatever the moment brings. After consistent efforts over a long period of time, one may experience Uncreated Light at unexpected moments. Yet this is the result of previous efforts.
Read More…If the divine call is ignored, there is no telling when it will come next. If the steward recognizes the call, it immediately switches duties. Instead of making efforts to create light, it submits in silence and makes space for uncreated light.
Read More…Only a man number four starts to understand that there is another world beyond. He is between two chairs. What is awakening?
Read More…Love is necessary for created and uncreated light. A Fourth Way teacher has said that presence cannot exist without love and love cannot exist without presence.
Read More…What are other names for “uncreated light” in the traditions of esoteric schools throughout history? This list may help.
Read More…What is the experience of divine light? As the sunlight can have an amazing effect on a group of fish jumping over the surface of the sea, so Uncreated Light affects us when we transcend ourselves. Meaning that our steward is still working to balance our four lower centers and recedes only under the astonishing […]
Read More…What does the medieval Christian concept of uncreated light show us about reaching higher states? Efforts are the “work” of the Fourth Way, but “uncreated light” comes when it will.
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