William Page, Fellowship of Friends

Impressions and Sanskaras

Human actions are based upon the operation of the impressions stored in the mind through previous experiences. Every thought, emotion, and act are grounded in groups of impressions that, when considered objectively, are seen to be modifications of the mind. ~ Meher Baba (Discourses) In a broad way we can measure our efforts for self-remembering and […]

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reflecting the light, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday

On Love

The focus of attention of the higher emotional center is self-consciousness. At the same time, the capacity to know another exists at this level.

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Self-remembering and being, Buddha candles

Self-Remembering and Being

If man is mechanical, if he has no single ‘I’ or self, then what is it that remembers? The short answer to this question is that it is our accumulated ‘being’ that remembers. But it is difficult to see the long body of our being. Our being is usually fragmented by lying, imagination and identification. […]

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When we talk about freedom, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday

When We Talk about Freedom

When we talk about freedom, we’re speaking about the work an individual to achieve freedom from unnecessary laws. In order to understand this, it is first necessary to see man as a microcosmos. Man is a microcosmos because, like the universe, he has within him layers of realities. What this means is that man’s inner life […]

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William Page, be present first, FourthWayToday.org, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

Recurrence, Higher Dimensions, and Time Travel

If reincarnation and recurrence exist, which seems likely to me, then we will be able to travel to the future and the past. Only first we have to do the work of the moment; we have to be present and use our attention and focus to fashion a lighter and more durable vehicle.

Really, we are all time travelers, and our physical bodies are the time machines that we so badly want to invent.

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Philosophy, Theory, and Practice

Philosophy, Theory, and Practice

If you study only the philosophical side of Gurdjieff’s ideas—its history, its cosmology, or its connection to the major religions—you may never connect to higher centers. This isn’t wrong. It’s fine to be a scholar. But the primary purpose of the system is to teach people to awaken. You cannot awaken unless you are willing to make inner efforts and take a practical approach to the knowledge.

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developing balance, William Page, FourthWayToday

On the Faculty of Judgment

Who We Admire Any man can speak truly; but to speak with order, wisely, and competently, of that few men are capable. ~ Montaigne There is something ridiculous about a learned man who lacks the discipline to use knowledge in a way that benefits his soul. Nor would we glorify the ignorant who move from action […]

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On Finding Oneself, Rembrandt, William Page, Fellowship of Friends

On Finding Oneself

The very idea of finding one’s self is problematic because we are the never the same. If you think you have found yourself—a solid, unchanging self—wouldn’t that imply that you’ve stopped growing?

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Law of seven, William Page, BePresentFirst.com, Robert Earl Burton, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday.org

The Law of Seven

If we understood the law of octaves, we could see more clearly how the universe unfolds, or how a tree grows, or how learning requires special efforts at certain, very specific, points.

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Reality as Higher Centers

The inner work that leads to a connection to higher centers is individual and takes patience, struggle, and time. There are no shortcuts in this work because it follows natural laws. It is not a way that ends with a single revelatory experience. The achievement of this system is a regular connection with higher centers, and that requires a buildup of a particular energy, and that energy is subject to organic laws.

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