Rodney Collin, Abandoning the System

Rodney Collin on Abandoning the System

Rodney Collin was a student of P.D. Ouspensky in the last decade of Ouspensky’s life. He was with Ouspensky at Lyne Place, England, at Franklin Farms, New Jersey, and lived with him until Ouspensky’s death in 1947. The following excerpts are from letters written by Rodney Collin to his friends and students in the Fourth […]

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Gurdjieff and Ouspensky, transcending the system, Fellowship of Friends

Gurdjieff and Ouspensky on Going Beyond Knowledge

What do Fourth Way authors say about going beyond knowledge, going beyond the system, and changing the location of our sense of ‘I’? From Views from the Real World, Gurdjieff: Beyond this world, beyond the limits of our knowledge, there lies a world, incomprehensible for us, of noumena—a shadow, a reflection of which is the […]

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Archangel, the Sense of I, Fourth Way Authors, Fellowship of Friends

Fourth Way Authors on the Sense of I

All work for development has two sides—something old in man has to be killed and something quite new has to be born. Preparation for the one and the other must go side by side, and they require quite different work. – Rodney Collin

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A Question of Presence, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

New Publication: A Question of Presence

A Question of Presence is a practical text on work in a Fourth Way school. The author dedicates it to those looking for real change, noting the content comes from his four-year-old Facebook group for Italians on the Fourth Way. The book reworks the themes, debates, and comments that arose among the group’s participants.

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Greek fresco, changing sense of self, Fellowship of Friends, FourthWayToday

Quotations on the Changing Sense of Self

Towards a More Real ‘I’ – the Changing Sense of Self through Work in the Fourth Way What is this changing sense of self that can come in the work, and how does it relate to a real ‘I’? Gurdjieff: Liberation is the aim of all schools, all religions, at all times. This liberation can indeed be […]

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Movement and rest, Fellowship of Friends

Fourth Way Authors on Movement and Sleep

How do our patterns of movement and sleep interact? Seminal Fourth Way authors G. Gurdjieff and P.D. Ouspensky describe how unnecessary movement and sleep–our old patterns–pose obstacles for one seeking consciousness.  P.D. Ouspensky, from A Record of Meetings:  The Role of the Moon in Mechanical Movement and Sleep At present all our movements depend on […]

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Sharing the Light with Others

Sharing the Light in our Work with Others

How do we work with sharing the light with others? The Wish to Prolong Presence The human machine is a wonderful invention. It is a machine that can produce consciousness. That consciousness has degrees. It can be closer or further away from what Gurdjieff and Ouspensky called the second state, or day-dream state. Some higher […]

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Sharing the Light, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton

Rodney Collin on Sharing the Light

From Rodney Collin: We are connected with everyone we have met or talked to or felt, because we have given them part of ourselves. Whatever is strongest affects whatever is weakest. A crowd can be on the verge of panic and one strong person, by projecting confidence, can stop it. In a group of people […]

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