Memory and impressions; FourthWayToday; Fellowship of Friends

Memory and Impressions

Transformation of suffering is called the ‘second conscious shock’ in the Fourth Way. Some call it advanced work. It is a magical opportunity to break down the results of the incoming impression into finer fuel, higher hydrogens, that teach us about the nature of reality. 

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What do you love? Photo by Sharon Gordon

What do you love?

A man or woman who can bring their instinctive and moving functions, emotions, and thoughts into a harmonious balance can begin to love objectively. This unconditional love begins with a man number four.

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leave the books behind

Leaving the Books Behind

At eighteen, I hitchhiked through Scotland and England, with a friend I met while visiting the Scottish Findhorn commune.  My interest in mysticism was all-consuming. Some of those who offered rides wanted to know more about who we were. I described the high states I was after. One driver asked a question, and I paused, and […]

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Freedom, Life, and Death

A dear companion died after a long illness, a year ago, in my home.  Finally he was free of the pain and suffering, the many I’s, the illusion of a body. In the days before he left us, he was wry, wise, and strangely light-hearted. Seeing my cell phone in my hand as I sat by […]

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Time and Eternity, the sixth dimension, Alette Matei

Time, Eternity, and the Sixth Dimension

The fifth dimension is an endless line or loop of time, and the sixth a cube or sphere of all moments. This sixth dimension contains all choices, spreading out and infinitely repeating in eternity. This may be the true meaning of free will. All that we can conceive and do is contained in the sixth dimension. Any choice we make is valid, and any choice we did not make, any line we did not take, exists also. Extending into infinity. 

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Increasing our being

Increasing our Being

Do we know more than we can use? “If knowledge outweighs being a man knows but has no power to do. It is useless knowledge. On the other hand if being outweighs knowledge a man has the power to do, [but] the being he has acquired becomes aimless.” “And knowledge and being must not diverge […]

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The Changing Sense of ‘I’

In this work to awaken fully, we experience a changing sense of ‘I’. First, our sense of ‘I’ develops in childhood, as we grow away from the simple essence with which we are born. We develop personality, trying on aspects of new personas into adulthood. When we begin to seek a way out of the […]

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Lighting the very light, uncreated light, Fellowship of Friends, Robert Earl Burton, FourthWayToday

Lighting the Very Light

What does the medieval Christian concept of uncreated light show us about reaching higher states? Efforts are the “work” of the Fourth Way, but “uncreated light” comes when it will.

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objective reality, FourthWayToday

Objective Reality – Inviting Us In

Objective Reality – Beyond World Twelve to World Six The natural world is more clearly inviting us into its mysteries, these days. I’m spending an hour each morning raking leaves. The distractions of ordinary life seem muted by the pandemic. Energies more rare, more refined, appear outdoors. And this natural world speaks to something higher […]

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