
leave the books behind

Leaving the Books Behind

At eighteen, I hitchhiked through Scotland and England, with a friend I met while visiting the Scottish Findhorn commune.  My interest in mysticism was all-consuming. Some of those who offered rides wanted to know more about who we were. I described the high states I was after. One driver asked a question, and I paused, and […]

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Self-remembering and being, Buddha candles

Self-Remembering and Being

If man is mechanical, if he has no single ‘I’ or self, then what is it that remembers? The short answer to this question is that it is our accumulated ‘being’ that remembers. But it is difficult to see the long body of our being. Our being is usually fragmented by lying, imagination and identification. […]

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being and non-being

Being and Non-Being

What do we mean by ‘being’? A person with experience in a particular field possesses extensive knowledge and the ability to apply it effectively. They have the practical skills to put their knowledge into action. They also have the experience to understand the challenges and obstacles involved in achieving a desired outcome. Such a person […]

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Man escaping, being and conscious beings

Conscious Being

Ultimately, we may not have much control over our external circumstances, but we can develop consciousness through our experiences. Consciousness, in this context, refers to a state of heightened awareness and understanding. It means a deep connection with our inner self and the world around us. While our lives may follow a particular path, our essence remains unchanged. Our ability to be more awake and conscious is closely connected to our essence. When we are in tune with who we are, we find peace and simplicity, which can lead to a profound awakening.

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William Blake, On Being

On Being

Being reflects in one’s actions and behaviour. In many cases, someone’s being cannot be seen until they’re in a critical situation. The way a person reacts to friction or suffering reflects his or her being.

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Developing being, Fellowship of Friends

Developing Being

The laws of the universe foster unity of our cellular body, our molecular soul, and our conscious spirit. Our being makes cycles round the luminous axis of the Divine Light.

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"Question. Can you tell me what one should aim at? I mean, what it is possible to acquire through the work?

Answer. As a general answer — the only aim is change of being. The aim is to reach higher states of consciousness and to be able to work with higher centres."

P D Ouspensky

"Everything you have is your being, knowledge is separate. You can clearly imagine everything you know separately, but everything you are besides what you know is your being. In this division you are made up of two things: what you know and what you are. Evolutionarily, the idea is that working on knowledge without working on being is not enough. Knowledge is confined to being. If you acquire more knowledge in the state in which you are, you will not be able to apply it, understand it."

P D Ouspensky